Show Support

My videos are made possible by fans and viewers like you. If you love what I’m creating on YouTube, please consider contributing and becoming a patron to help cover the costs of production; a little bit goes a long way!

YouTube Membership

  • Become a YouTube Member – get perks, access to Member-Only livestreams/chats, emoji, badges and more. This is the best way to show your support and you get the most perks with this option. Includes Perks!


Make a one-time PayPal contribution in any of these amounts:
$1.50$3$5$7$10$15$25 | $35$50 | $75 | $100 | $125$150 | $175$200 | $250 | $300 | $400 | $500 | $750


  • Become a Patreon Patron. This is another great way to show your support in a monthly recurring contribution and serves as an alternative to YouTube Memberships.

For instructions on how to modify or stop recurring payments on YouTube, PayPal or Patreon, see my FAQ page.